Scales are the building blocks of all music. From them we get melodies, harmonies, chords, bass lines and more.
Modes are the scales within a scale. Hence there are only 7 modes, one for each note of the scale.
The Ionian Mode is the normal scale beginning on the 1st / Tonic / Naming note.
The Dorian Mode uses the same notes as the Ionian but begins on the 2nd / Super-Tonic note.
The Phrygian Mode uses the same notes as the Ionian but begins on the 3rd / Mediant note.
The Lydian Mode uses the same notes as the Ionian but begins on the 4th / Sub-Dominant note.
The MixoLydian Mode uses the same notes as the Ionian but begins on the 5th / Dominant note.
The Aeolian Mode uses the same notes as the Ionian but begins on the 6th / Sub-Mediant note.
The Locrian Mode uses the same notes as the Ionian but begins on the 7th / Sub-Tonic / Leading note.