At miAim we believe in keeping things as simple and clear as possible. As a result each of our legal documents is only one (1) or two (2) uncomplicated, straight forward pages! They will open in a new PDF tab on your browser when you click the relative link.
Amongst our collective intellect, we have a director with some University Level Legal Studies under his belt as part of his Business Administration Degree.
Timothy is also a Justice of the Peace, New South Wales (State Attorney General Appointed). As a JP, his duties include being able to witness Statutory Declarations, Affidavits and Certify Document Copies as being true and correct, as well as provide some limited legal advice.
Each of our legal documents will open in a new tab
Click below for a copy of our “Terms of Use” that you agree to prior to any purchase being made on this website.
Click below for a copy of our “End-User License Agreement” found at the back of each of our eBooks on “The Principles of Improvisation. This also applies to each of the and downloadable free Music Chard pfd files available on this website.
User Licence Agreement eBook 2018
Click below for a copy of our “Privacy Policy” in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) which are contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) (Privacy Act) which includes the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017 (Commonwealth) and are in line with the European Union and other Sovereign State International Regulations of 2018.